Our body has a mind. For those who believe we have an immortal soul, does it have a mind too?
If Yes, does that mean we have two minds? If No, how does it do anything after the body dies?
The question seems inevitable to consider.
My preemptive responses to anticipated answers:
'No. The soul takes our body's mind.'
Response: Our body's mind is tied-into our brain, so when our brain dies, so does the mind.
'Yes, it has a mind of its own too.'
Response: How can we have two minds?
If you could use the Bible to document your answers, that would be great.
Best Answer
Those who believe in an immortal soul believe that when we die, we take with us our thoughts, personality, memories, etc.
But we know that all that stuff is tied physically to our brain.
So those who hold to this doctrine have to explain why, if the soul has the capability to carry our mind away from the body, why does the physical body even have a brain to handle these function? It is needlessly redundant.
Either we have a functioning physical brain, plus a non-functioning spiritual "brain" that starts working immediately at death, downloading information from the physical brain then taking over.
Or we have two functioning brains - a physical and spiritual - carrying on redundant double duty.
Note: The primary reasoning I use for dismissing the immortal soul doctrine is due to the Passion Narratives. See:
A Lesson from Jesus’ Rebuke
Note: The primary reasoning I use for dismissing the immortal soul doctrine is due to the Passion Narratives. See:
A Lesson from Jesus’ Rebuke