Joshua 5:14. The prince of the army of Jehovah was doubtlessly* Michael the archangel. The Hebrew word rendered "worship" in the KJV is the same word used in Genesis 43:26, 28 regarding Joseph and 1 Chronicles 29:20 for King David. However, all such prostrations are "to the glory of God the Father."--Philippians 2:11.
* Daniel identifies Michael the archangel as the prince of God's people (10:21; 12:1), and Revelation 12:7 identifies him as the commander of the angelic armies. So the conclusion seems inescapable that this prince Joshua met and bowed down to is Michael the archangel.
* Daniel identifies Michael the archangel as the prince of God's people (10:21; 12:1), and Revelation 12:7 identifies him as the commander of the angelic armies. So the conclusion seems inescapable that this prince Joshua met and bowed down to is Michael the archangel.
Link (I was the first to apply Joshua 5:14. Some Trinitarians gave this a thumb down due to low-cerebral activity.)